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March: 经济适用房 Roundup看看我们是如何帮助亚特兰大的其他公司的,并了解我们能为您做些什么.
We can help make your dream of owning a home in Atlanta a reality.
Discover why Atlanta is a great place to settle down and call home.
Find programs and incentives that work for you.
We can help make intown living affordable for you.
See apartments that Invest Atlanta has helped finance.
经济适用房 Roundup有问题吗?? See if we have the answer below.
A mortgage prequalification is not a loan agreement. 它只是根据你提供的信息估计你能借多少钱. 这将给你一个更清晰的感觉,一个合适的价格范围为您的家.
获得资格预审, 参与贷款机构将要求您提供有关您收入的基本财务信息, 债务, 储蓄, 信贷, 和资产. 通常, 参与贷款人将需要提取您的信用评分以提供资格预审信.
是的. 您的信用评分必须符合e世博esball计划的指导方针,并为参与贷款机构所接受. 请在资格预审过程中与参与贷款人交谈,以了解信用评分要求.
是的. 您的家庭收入必须低于所使用计划的最高收入限额. 请在网站上查看按家庭规模划分的当前收入门槛.
使用“投资亚特兰大”首付优惠政策购买的符合条件的房屋必须位于亚特兰大市区范围内. To determine if property is located in the city of Atlanta, click 在这里.
大多数投资亚特兰大购房者激励措施允许购买单一家庭住宅, 公寓, townhome and 2-4 units. AAHOP does not allow 2-4 units. Manufactured homes are not eligible.
W-2收入:从最近的工资单上得到的年初至今的总收入是年化的,以此来计算你的年收入. If a bonus amount is present, the bonus is subtracted from the year-to-date total, and then annualize that number, adding back the bonus to the annualized figure.
自雇收入:我们审查您最近2年的纳税记录和年度损益表, and then average those figures to calculate your annual income.
在确定抵押贷款资格时,参与贷款人会考虑学生贷款. It is best to consult with the Lender to confirm your eligibility.
是的, 符合资格的购房者可以使用FHA 203K或传统的家居装修抵押贷款购买房屋,并使用ATL家居装修优势来帮助支付首付款和成交费用.
资源 for Residents offers renovation education workshops. You must register on their website at rrc-atl.org.
一些激励措施有一定的负担能力期限,而HOME Atlanta 4.0 and HFA Preferred TM do not.
是的, 在非常特殊的情况下,这些项目可以相互结合,也可以与亚特兰大环线住房倡议项目结合, 亚特兰大市 NSP or Atlanta Housing Authority programs. Invest Atlanta incentives cannot be used with NACA, 格鲁吉亚的梦想, DeKalb County or Fulton County down payment assistance programs.
您的贷款人可以要求e世博esball银行邀请您参加, however the approval process may take 60 days or longer. 您必须从当前参与贷款机构列表中选择一家贷款机构才能使用“投资亚特兰大”奖励计划.
投资亚特兰大将审查和批准您的提交文件,同时您的抵押贷款正在审查和批准参与贷款人, which usually takes up to 45 days.
该计划的指导方针要求购房者在交易中缴纳1500美元. 您的参与贷款机构将提供您的房屋关闭所需资金的前期估计. 如果激励金额不能覆盖所有的首付款和成交成本要求, you will be responsible for the balance. 您的房地产经纪人可能会代表您协商卖方支付的成交费用,以可能减少您在成交时所需的资金.
T在这里 is no list of Participating 房地产 Agents, 因此,您可以与您自己选择的房地产经纪人工作.
1. Attend an Invest Atlanta Homebuyer Q & 一个会话
2. Enroll in a qualified 购房教育 Class
3. Contact a Participating Lender to get prequalified
4. Find a home inside the city limits of Atlanta
使用“投资亚特兰大”首付优惠政策购买的符合条件的房屋必须位于亚特兰大市区范围内. To determine if property is located in the city of Atlanta, click 在这里, 输入属性地址并查找三个合格的指示符(邻居名称), NPU and Council District [1-12]) on the gray panel of information, located on the right side of the webpage.